Yes my first Clap. It's coming along slowly due to fact that there's some maniacally secretive birthday knitting taking precedence but after tomorrow...Clapotis-Land here I come.
It's a great knit. One that seems intimidating upon first inspection of the pattern but after jumping into the deep end...you realise, hey I can do this! I'm really a knitter after all. Kate Gilbert is a genius designer. My next project of hers to attempt: Bird in Hand Mittens.
The Clapotis spreadsheets are a god-send! Thank you, thank you Soulknitting and somebunnyslove for your fantastic spreadsheet creation abilities. It's what is making this project a joy to knit. For anyone wanting to join the rank of the Clapotis-devotees...you gotta have these spreadsheets.! They are so inspiring that I've started making my own for the Lady Eleanor Stole I'm anxiously awaiting to tackle as my next project (okay...one of the many queued up projects).
The other wonderfully helpful tool: the Fashionably-Late in '08 Clapotis KAL. This blog site has some great tips, links and inspiring photos of other Claps-in-the-making. Of course the deadline is March 31...I had no idea there was a deadline...so once again it's Knit-Against-The-Clock in my world.
Deadlines aside, this is a lovely knit. I'm already fantasizing about my next Clapotis! Along with fifty-million other projects! You should see my Holiday Knitting Goals 2008 List; it's a beast!
Gotta go knit...