Bad because I'm remiss in posting. I do on my general blog but this sad little knitting blog is neglected somethin' fierce! So here's a quickie post to show that yes, I do actual knit sometimes!
Knitting lately consists of holiday quick knits. When you've got 17+ WIPs on the needles (and that's a true count...not a guesstimate with a few stragglers hiding in corners, uncounted) it's hard not to feel anxious and unfocused. My usual response: cast on something new! For some reason I just feel unfocused and find it hard to commit to a knit. Hence my urge to do something fast and quick to get my knittin' mojo flowing smoothly. Enter the
Zakka Tissue Cozy
Oh the joys of practically instant gratification! Literally this went from cast on to FO in less (yes less) than 24 hours! Joy of joys, I did it!
Now a roll call of WIPs with recent favorites first! A
Morning Surf Scarf in Malabrigo Silky Merino.

This color is a bit green for my liking (and when ordered thought it was more pale aqua than bright green) but it's looking good in this pattern. Finally. After trying oh let's see, about 4 different patterns! Sometimes it happens like that. Just can't mesh the yarn and pattern at the same time. But finally this Spring Green Malabrigo may just possible have form.
What else...oh yes here's another lovely Malabrigo knit. My second
Clapotis in Silky Merino, Caribeno colorway.

Yep. That's a whole lot of intense blue, green and purple! So intense my beloved Addi Natura needles have a distinct greenish cast now. But man is this a soft yarn to knit and will be a stunning Clappie, that's for sure. A real pleasure to knit.
Just one more project that I'm loving. Amy Singer's Tuscany shawl in Elann Peruvian Highland Wool in just the prettiest Sky Blue!

Oh I adore, truly adore this pattern! The most complicated semi-lace type pattern I've attempted to date and after a couple mis-starts it's now flying on the needles. Once you get the pattern straight in your head it's a great knit. Highly meditative and so lovely to look at as the stitches form this pretty pattern before your eyes. It's my current cotton candy knit, for when I need some indulgent knitting that just makes me plain happy!

Seeing today is Sunday, Husband's in the field and it's a nice sunny (yet chilly) autumn day...I want to knit...and knit lots. Now I'm all revved up to do more once I back away from the laptop. Here's my shortlist today:
Morningside Neckwarmer from the current Classic Elite Newsletter. Designed by the highly cool
I know! Yet another new cast on but I've been waiting oh so long to find the perfect pattern for my Debbie Bliss Pure Cashmere and by golly...I think I've found it! I'll let you know how it goes. Off to go cast on!
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